A policy on bullying and harassment at work is an integral part of Equal Opportunities strategies in the workplace. Such policies for dealing with bullying and harrassment are more effective when operated in conjunction with similar policies on Equal Opportunities and Health and Safety.
The anxiety and stress produced by bullying and harassment may lead to those subjected to it taking time off work due to sickness and stress, being less efficient at work or leaving their job to seek work elsewhere.
All Employers should have a policy indicating their commitment to providing a work environment that is free from bullying and harassment.
The policy should state that bullying and harassment of all kinds will not be tolerated and that such actions will be the subject of disciplinary procedures.
The solutions for raising harassment and bullying issues should be clearly defined. These should take the form of both formal and informal procedures.
The 1998 Act defined sexual and non-gender harassment for the first time in Irish law. Employers can use as a defence in the case of Harassment and Sexual Harassment that they "take steps as are reasonably practicable"
Contact us and we can design a top quality Bullying and Harassment procedure that will reduce your chances of litigation.
As a crucial part of the service we provide, investigations into workplace bullying, harassment and sexual harassment are the most significant. Over the past decade many of our clients have experienced the real and substantial benefits of conducting external independent investigations into various allegations made by employees.